How long does school have to fill occupational therapy vacancy?

Cerebral Palsy Hand Grasp Study Seeking ParticipantsMy son has hemiplegia and occupational therapy is one of the services he receives. This related service is included in his IEP (Individualized Education Program). His school lost their occupational therapist and are having trouble hiring a new one. What are our rights in getting services?

According to the Families and Advocates Partnership for Education (FAPE) “Facts-on-Hand Related Services” bulletin, “Your school district must provide the related services according to your child’s IEP. This is true even during times of personnel shortages or extended absences. To do this, the school system can contract with qualified providers outside the school system through another public or private agency.”

Learn more about school related issues faced by children with hemiplegia who are receiving occupational therapy and physical therapy in the school system.